Macbeth – Head and Heart

In my years, I had always heard of the story “Macbeth” by Shakespeare, but never truly knew what it was about. After reading, I could understand why some talk about it as much as they do.

Head – Of course one of the most challenging aspects of this story is the language, just like any other Shakespeare play. By the end of the novel the language flowed naturally but I think if it had come naturally sooner, the book may have been easier to comprehend. Some scenes were also hard to follow, the smaller scenes where nothing extraordinary happened and no deaths occurred were the hardest for me to stay engaged in. Scenes like Duncan and Banquo’s death and the final scene with Malcom’s final words were the most intriguing to me. Overall the story had its ups and downs when it came to my understanding.

Heart- Emotionally, I wasn’t too affected by this play. Since this story is older and not something very relatable for people today (or at least I hope not) I didn’t have much of an emotional appeal. Some things made me feel shocked and the three witches were a bit creepy, but I truly didn’t feel an attachment of emotions to anything or anyone in the play. Maybe the story just isn’t my style, but to me it wasn’t very heart trenching.


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